Photophysics of two-dimensional semiconductors

Christoph Gadermaier
Politecnico di Milano & Center for Nano Science and Technology, Milano (Italy)


A material’s functional properties are determined by its response to stimuli that drive it out of equilibrium. Many of the most important processes at the origin of such response occur on the femto- and picosecond time scale. Two-dimensional semiconductors bear exceptionally strong light-matter interaction and show great perspective for photonic, optoelectronic, and light harvesting applications. I will discuss our recent results on charge separation and recombination, exciton localization, intrinsic optical cavities, and many/body effects in mono- and multilayer flakes, heterostructures, and nanotubes.

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Calendar of upcoming seminars

DateNameTopic of the seminar
3.6.2021Danielle Vella