A tour through the new Advanced quantum devices laboratory: from fabrication to characterization

Damjan Svetin
Department of Complex Matter, IJS


This Thursday, instead of a scientific seminar, the new joint facility of the F7/Nanocenter will be presented. The purpose of the laboratory is especially to support the research and development of advanced quantum devices, novel electronic and cryogenic-computing technologies.

I will give some basic information about the facility and about the quality of the working environment. The equipment and techniques available will be listed, with short description, specifications and possible applications. More emphasis will be placed on the newest ones, which were installed last year. With online seminar I will try to bring the lab closer to users,  especially since demonstrations and visits of the lab in larger groups currently cannot be organized.

The new laboratory is the result of synergies between different funding programmes (ARRS, Interreg IT-SLO Nanoregion, private funding) and interinstitutional cooperation (Jozef Stefan Institute, Nanocenter, industry).

The seminar will take place via Zoom. The details for connecting to the meeting can be found below:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 970 4699 5988
Passcode: 851027

Calendar of upcoming seminars

DateNameTopic of the seminar
4.2.2021Žiga Gregorin
11.2.2021Boris Majaron
18.2.2021Ankita Sarkar

Link to previous seminars:
