Taming Liquid Crystalline Elastomers

Luka Cmok
Department of Compex Matter F7, IJS & Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge


Phase transitions in Liquid Crystal elastomers can trigger large spontaneous deformations. As this can be done locally and by various external stimuli, exploiting such controlled shape change can be a desirable function in designing micro as well as macroscopic devices.

In this seminar I will try to convince you that to fully realize the potential of Liquid Crystal elastomers, we should strive to control the nematic director orientation. I will discuss how this can be achieved on different scales.

The seminar will take place via Zoom. The details for connecting to the meeting can be found below:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 970 4699 5988
Passcode: 851027

Calendar of upcoming seminars

DateNameTopic of the seminar
4.3.2021Martina Knavs
Rok Venturini
18.3.2021Yelyzaveta Chernolevska

Link to previous seminars:
