Flow induced effects in a discotic ferrofluid

Žiga Gregorin
Department of Complex Matter, IJS


It has been shown that discotic ferrofluids, at high enough concentrations, can form truly ferromagnetic fluid phase showing ferromagnetic domains analogous to those formed in solid state ferromagnetic materials. However, being fluid, very interesting dynamic behaviour is expected under flow.

In this seminar, I will be presenting the newly acquired knowledge about flow-induced magnetic field effects in discotic ferrofluids, studied via pressure driven flow through a capillary.

The seminar will take place via Zoom. The details for connecting to the meeting can be found below:

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Meeting ID: 970 4699 5988
Passcode: 851027

Calendar of upcoming seminars

DateNameTopic of the seminar
11.2.2021Boris Majaron
18.2.2021Ankita Sarkar

Link to previous seminars:
