Dr. Satoshi Tsuchiya, 22.6.2018 at 13:00 in F7 Seminar room

Spectrally resolved and three pulse pump-probe spectroscopy in strongly correlated organic conductors
Dr. Satoshi Tsuchiya, Complex Matter Department, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia; Department of Applied Physics, Hokkaido University, Japan


The series of k-(BEDT-TTF)2X (X: anion molecules) has attracted much interest in fundamental physics related with strong electron correlation and application of devices because of a rich variety of electronic phases under equilibrium such as the Mott insulator and superconductor, as well as nonequilibrium related with photoinduced phase transition. In my long-term stay in JSI, spectrally-resolved pump probe spectroscopy was carried out to investigate superconducting phase in this system. On the other hand, three-pulse pump probe spectroscopy was applied for photoinduced phase separation. In the seminar, I will show the obtained results briefly and discuss in detail.

Poster [PDF]